Was lucky enough to "have" to go to Winslow AZ and spend the night in La Posada an old Harvey House Hotel on the tracks that has been reborn. If you like route 66 or you like Trains.... or you like standin on a corner in Winslow Arizona then you need to pull off the main freeway and spend some time in this gem of a town. The hotel has amazing food amazing history and it still operates as a train stop!!! http://www.laposada.org/
I also took the time to travel to the "worst" town in the SW.... Canyon Diablo. It was a town of fast booze, fast women and faster bullets. Stories go that one Law Man arrived at 3pm and was dead by 8pm. They used to bury people where they fell..... They also dug one man up after being buried because he did not get a chance to finish his drink before he died. http://www.arizfoto.com/diablo_2.html